Saturday, October 25, 2014


It was not unreachable

It was not even hard

I was just there

Waiting for me to tell you that I want

That I wanted to share a good part of me with her

That very possibly we would build beautiful memories

That with pleasure we would remember

But I stopped

Not because he did not deserve it

Not because it stopped being elegant

Not because I could not fulfill my expectations

Not because something could spoil the possible

Not because he lacked beauty

Not because it was not accepted

I just stopped

Waiting for something to happen that tipped the balance

Something that induced me to tell her that I love her

A clumsy push that made the obvious possible

Or a simple initiative of yours

An adequate time

It was only necessary to touch the subject once

And between waiting and lack of initiative

The days passed

And friendship was strengthened

Conversations became more widespread

And the confidence increased

Up to the point of being good friends

Something like my confidant of passage

My cloth of tears

My film partner

My disc friend

While this was happening

I sensed how the possibility of being something more than friends was moving away

We had already lied

Confessing only friends

Loyal friendship

Drawers of mutual secrets

It was already part of my past and my present

Just as I was part of your past and your present

There was already history between us

There was already an excuse for not happening

He already told me about another

I pretended interest in other

Little by little I resigned myself to not having her

And one day it happened

He told me that he had the man of his life

He introduced me to the man of his life

He invited me to share with the man of his life

I saw her fall in love with the man in her life

I had to get away from the man in his life

I lost her for the man of her life

Then he came back without the man of his life

I still with your memory

Regretting what has never happened

She considering me her friend

Me confessing his lover

It was when I run away blaming myself for indolent

Judging all men equally

And losing forever.